“I can understand Dr. Dan!” Carolyn S. CO
HINT: scroll down for some sample videos!!
Dr. Dan’s Biology course w/lab is a perfect introduction to the miraculous science of life. But beyond that, this class helps your student “learn how to learn” and remember all those many facts that sometimes feel overwhelming.
That’s why some kids also call his Biology “Silly Sayings by Dr. Dan“! But boy, do they remember all the stuff later on! Some kids even sing the songs, too! Ya know, those ones that “stick in your head” forever 10 years later. The songs started back in General Science.
Whether your student loves, hates, or simply tolerates Biology, this class will open up a fun new way to approach the subject. Students benefit from Dr. Dan’s many years of veterinary practice and teaching experience. Your student will be amazed at the unexpected true-to-life stories and even silly sayings that Dr. Dan comes up with to make Biology fun and rewarding.
Although we do recommend a text-book, you’re not limited by one. Dr. Dan draws on many different sources such as additional texts and articles, diagrams, illustrations, stories, media reports, current events, basically anything that adds depth and excitement to the material.
Your child will thoroughly enjoy this tremendous learning experience with Dr. Dan – one that can’t be duplicated by working alone through a book. Dr. Dan helps your child stay on task and really finish the course! Relax parents. You won’t have to cram for Biology in an attempt to teach it to your child. Every year many parents have given Dr. Dan a high 5 – big Yay of Thanks. Dr. Dan loves science!

* 1. TEXT: Exploring Creation with Biology, 2nd edition, Jay L. Wile, Apologia Press. Text contains 16 preparatory reading sections, usually spans 1 school year of 2 semesters – All of which are covered in Dr. Dan’s Online Biology semesters 1 and 2!

** 2. TEST AND SOLUTIONS BOOKLET, 2nd edition. Most students will want to obtain this booklet to go along with Dr. Dan’s online quizzing. ISBN-13: 978-1932012552
Remember that love, hate or simply tolerate science feeling? This course helps students “hit the home run” on college entrance exams as well because it is self paced – choose your content/depth – your timing – your testing needs!
Dr. Dan’s Biology is also an AP-like (advanced placement) course and can lay the groundwork for students who want to use the College Level Examination Program to “CLEP” out of college courses and get a jump on their higher level educational career.
Prerequisites: General and Physical Science with Dr. Dan. Or, if you feel that your student has the equivalent learning from another program, then join Dr. Dan’s Biology TODAY by clicking here!
Help your child “discover their why” about wanting to go into a future scientific field, too! Dr. Dan has been in science, especially Biology and Veterinary Medicine, his entire life!
Join Dr. Dan’s Biology
Semester 1
Rate good until Aug. 16, 2021
just $259!! per semester
You’ll save 41% off in-person rates!
HINT: If you commit and pay for Semester 2 before August 16th as well, you’ll lock in your rate for the entire school year! How cool is that? 😊
- Learners remember Dr. Dan’s “Silly Sayings” & highly memorable explanations Oh Yeah go ace those exams!
- Safe, on track, (finish the book, too!) and understandable – learning for a lifetime
- No more “Biology Meltdowns” – start enjoying science!
- Learn with a highly qualified educator who “loves” seeing YOU excel!
- Dr. Dan: 8 yrs practicing Veterinary Medicine, 15 years teaching science, 24 years public speaking, 30 years of Continuing Education in Vet Medicine
- Dr. Dan has taken more than 300 hours in undergrad and graduate science classes = EXPERIENCED !!
Great adventures in the biological world await you!
Want to see more?
Click here – to see FUN videos of Dr. Dan!
What’s in Dr. Dan’s Biology? See below!
Credit hours available | 1 (when sem 1 & 2 taken) |
Term of class & lab | 32 Wks – when sem 1 & 2 taken |
Length class, lab, study | +/- 3 hrs/wk; w/study possibly more |
Frequency: of LIVE class | 90 Min 1x per week w/Dr Dan +Bonus Q&A |
Lab videos included? | Yes – w/Lab handout PDF, too! |
Typical grade level | 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th+ |
Frequency: self-paced class | YOU choose when/how often! |
Join Dr. Dan Now!!